Kenneth Wright
Military & Social Historian
Undertaking extensive research for my history based activities, has afforded me the opportunity to write books, which I self-publish under the name of “Kwite Write”.
Currently, I am engaged in writing a series of illustrated books about the social consequences of the Great War.
My first book is now in print and is entitled “The Great War and the British on the French Riviera” and is available from me at £12.99 inclusive of postage. Please email your order stating your postal address, to wrightforhistory@gmail.com. Payment required through Paypal.
The book describes how the British invented and created the Riviera for winter holidays and looks at a number of well-known and titled British citizens who came to settle in and around the town of Menton in south-east France.
At the outbreak of war in 1914, with the suspension of the holiday industry, a number of those residents used their influence and wealth to provide welfare for sick and injured soldiers.
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* Reproduced with kind permission of M. J-C Volpi
Further books in the series “The Great War &……………………….” together with
other publications are to follow.